Also known by its trade name, "Disney Channel Animation", it is the television animation production studio division of the Walt Disney Studios and based in Glendale, California, providing original animated programming for the three main Disney-branded television channels.
Check out the official Disney Channel YouTube every day for full episodes, show clips, shorts, compilations, and BTS content for all of your favorite shows - Big City Greens, Broken Karaoke,...
Watch the best of Disney TV all on DisneyNOW! Watch full episodes of your favorite Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney XD shows! Plus, watch movies and video clips!
Watch your favorite Disney Junior, Disney Channel and Disney XD shows on DisneyNOW! See a list of TV shows, watch full episodes, video clips and live TV!
An all-new animated series premiering on Disney XD, DuckTales brings back Scrooge McDuck as the intrepid adventurer who reluctantly brings along Donald, Huey, Dewey, and Louie Duck. …