Each year the City of St. John's Athlete of the Year committee recognizes athletic excellence within the city of St. John's by selecting one female, one male and one team as the most outstanding ...
The proposed application is for remediation of an abandoned quarry at 112 Camrose Drive. The remediation will involve filling, regrading and landscaping in the Watershed. The proposed remediation ...
The nomination period for the 2025 Applause Awards has been extended until March 10, 2025. Do you know someone who makes a difference in our city? Nominate someone deserving for an Applause Award ...
The City of St. John’s has released What We Heard reports summarizing findings from public engagement which took place in November and December of 2024 on the development of plans for both the ...
Motorists are advised that Springdale Street, between Water Street and George Street West, will be closed on Thursday, January 16 and Friday, January 17 from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day to facilitate ...
Property taxes are the City's biggest source of revenue. They fund all the programs and services we offer. Residential and commercial property tax is set every year. We calculate the municipal tax for ...
There's no greater place than the outdoors to enjoy recreational opportunities. Our team is pleased to offer many programs at various locations around the City. You can also check out our Trail ...
Parks, playgrounds and trails provide opportunities for our residents and visitors to relax and enjoy nature in our city. The Parks and Open Spaces Master Plan outlines our strategy. This document is ...
The City of St. John's receives 335 cm of snow on average every year. We budget approximately $20 million for snow clearing and ice control operations. City staff work hard to clear our streets and ...
Many factors impact snow clearing operations. Drifting, rain, or a sudden temperature drop could delay our snow clearing timelines. While the City uses its best efforts to clear snow on time, our ...
St. John's Regional Fire Department (SJRFD) provides fire and emergency protection in our region. We offer services to the municipalities of St. John's, Mount Pearl and Paradise. Backup emergency ...
Why is the City erecting a security fence on the George Street stage? Council, staff and stakeholders are very concerned about the potential safety risks for individuals sleeping rough on the George ...