While the WTO found fault in the way the EU prepared, published and administered its biodiesel measures, and was also found giving less favourable treatment to Indonesian biodiesel than to similar ...
Indonesian Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Bahlil Lahadalia confirmed in Indonesian media that, per 1 January 2025, the mandatory B40 biodiesel program was imposed across Indonesia. Earlier, ...
The emergence of Indonesia’s Reformation Period (Reformasi in Indonesian) after Suharto stepped down from the presidency in 1998 implied a significant break with the past. Indonesian politics changed ...
Tea is one of the world's most consumed beverages. It is thought to originate from China where tea has been drunk for thousands of years. Around the 16th century, when the Portuguese were expanding ...
Indonesia's abundance and variety of commodities is a vital asset to the country's economy (and government revenues) as commodities account for around 60 percent of exports. But being a major ...
Waktu Presiden Suharto turun dari jabatannya pada Mei 1998, peristiwa ini menandai awal dari sebuah era baru dalam sejarah Indonesia. Setelah dikuasai oleh rezim otoriter Orde Baru Suharto selama ...
Meskipun Indonesia memiliki tempat-tempat menarik untuk pariwisata - wilayah pedalaman yang indah, reruntuhan budaya dan sejarah yang menarik, pantai-pantai, kehidupan malam (Jakarta dan Bali), dan ...
PT Cahaya Kalbar Tbk is an Indonesian food manufacturer. The company produces a wide variety of food industry and confectionery industry ingredients. These products are then supplied to restaurant and ...
Gas alam adalah komponen vital untuk suplai energi dunia. Gas alam merupakan sumber penting untuk produksi baik bahan bakar maupun amonia (amonia merupakan komponen vital untuk produksi pupuk). Mirip ...
Soekarno (1901-1970), yang lahir di Surabaya pada masa pemerintahan kolonial Belanda, adalah pemimpin nasionalis dan pahlawan nasional yang mendedikasikan hidupnya kepada perjuangan kemerdekaan ...
The IDX Composite or Jakarta Composite Index (JSX) is an index of all stocks that are traded on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). In Indonesian the index is called the Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan, ...