Angel Studios can’t seem to catch a break from controversy. Its first big hit, the film “Sound of Freedom,” was heavily criticized by sex-trafficking survivors for its deceptive portrayal of the issue ...
For the first time ever the Australian Christians  political party has won a seat in the WA election. Maryka Groenewald,the ...
The Anglican Archdiocese of Melbourne (ADOM) has been alleged to have amended its Code of Conduct for Child Safety & ...
When Mark Leach, then the senior minister of Rozelle Anglican Church in inner Sydney, heard of a pro-Palestinian ...
God seems to be having a moment, culturally speaking,” observes John Stonestreet of the Colson Center, whose founder, the ...
The gender pay gap for 7800 Australian businesses have been released, including details of how some Christian organisations ...
Gavin Brown, Australian Catholic University via the Conversation Most people recognise organisations such as the YMCA and the ...
Historian Simon Schama packed the Adelaide Town Hall for the big event in Writers Week, – a new experience for Obadiah.
Un-expectedly in Melbourne, caring for a sibling who was rushed to hospital, Sunday morning saw me at St Paul’s Cathedral, ...
US film actor Matthew McConaughey (he of the slow slow and oh-so-easy-to-mimic voice), is a Professor of Practice at the ...
An Obadiah Slope column Georgian architecture and human struggle: Mrs Slope took Obadiah on an adventure usimg the new light ...