Kenya’s national budget has grown more than fourfold in 15 years, from KSh 1 trillion under President Kibaki in 2010/11 to an ...
A 62-year-old claiming to be the late President Mwai Kibaki’s biological son has sued the family seeking to know whether Kenya’s third Head of State bequeathed him part of his wealth.
The pilot was overtaking a lorry when he misjudged the distance of an approaching truck leading to a head-on collision.
For the best experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser settings. Mwai Kibaki marking his ballot from his limousine in Othaya, December 28, 2002. [File ...
The family of former President Mwai Kibaki and a man claiming to be his son are embroiled in a fresh legal battle concerning the veracity of his Will, which details his last wishes on distribution ...
When the Kenya Kwanza-ODM Framework Agreement was signed, it marked the fourth time former Prime Minister Raila Odinga ...
Embattled breakfast cereals maker Proctor & Allan is backed by 18 shareholders, most of whom could easily qualify into ...
Migori politician Billy Mijungu believes the current political shifts could mirror 2002, with ODM leader Raila Odinga once ...
The Democratic Party of Kenya, founded by the late Mwai Kibaki, has moved to sever ties with the Kenya Kwanza Alliance.
Raila's political career reveals a cycle: his strength grows in opposition but weakens when aligning with governments in ...
A recent report explained various Exchequer options for closing gaps in budgets for funding road development and maintenance, ...