The Town of Swansea is among the grant recipients of the Cooling Corridors program, and will be planting new trees. Here's ...
A recent study underscores how humanity’s success in extinguishing fires has allowed dead wood and other flammable material ...
Seeing blue dots, red Xs, orange circles, and purple bands on trees and wondering what they mean? Here's what we found out ...
The scale invariance in branch diameter dictates how much smaller a limb should be as it branches and how much investment a tree makes in a few thick branches versus many thin ones. Trees have evolved ...
The math that describes the branching pattern of trees in nature also holds for trees depicted in art—and may even underlie our ability to recognize artworks as depictions of trees. The authors ...
From puffy cumulonimbus clouds to textured palm trees, the artist guided the class with grace and ... Each station, equipped ...
This science of trees inspired my colleague and me to measure the scaling of tree branch diameter in art. Among my favorite images is a carving of a tree from a late-medieval mosque in India.
A first in the county of Dorset, The Arborealists will stage their 40th exhibition at Sculpture by the Lakes Gallery, ...
TEWKSBURY TWP. - Whittemore - Community, Culture & Conservation (Whittemore CCC) presents an opening reception for the art ...
Fruit Tree Planting Foundation, an award-winning nonprofit, has teamed up with another nonprofit, Midtown Partners along with ...
That’s why a group of Altadenans, called Altadena Green, are scrambling to save as many viable trees as they can while Phase ...