Events like the groundbreaking speed achieved by an autonomous Maserati have a role to play in pushing the boundaries of ...
Javascript must be enabled to use this site. Please enable Javascript in your browser and try again. If you think you’ve been targeted by a scam, get information ...
Astronauts on the International Space Station often suffer from various immune system dysfunctions, including allergies and skin rashes, even though they go through rigorous screening and are ...
Nicole Stott, a 1992 UCF graduate, flew twice on Space Shuttle Discovery — first on STS-128 in 2009 and then the orbiter’s final flight, STS-133, in 2011 — all the while spending 91 days in ...
In a close encounter of a new kind Dr. Valery Polyakov peers out of a window from the Mir core module as Discovery ... a record 438 days in space. Learn more about the shuttle and Mir flights ...
Its dimensions, its wingspan, for example, 15 feet is designed to fit within the original program, which was the space shuttle bay. Because the original plan was to see if it could launch it ...
Discovery Channel is doubling down on its freshman slate. The cable network has renewed five series for a second season. They include Expedition Files, Hustlers Gamblers Crooks, In the Eye of the ...
Investigation Discovery, the network behind Quiet on Set and The Curious Case of Natalia Grace, has found is next case. The cable network has greenlit A Body In The Snow: The Trial of Karen Read.
Scientists accidentally stumbled upon a discovery about Earth's core which could shatter all we previously thought we knew about the structure. Made up of two parts, the liquid outer core and solid ...
This led to further aerial towing tests involving aircraft, altogether providing extensive amounts of data that served as guideposts to designing the upcoming space shuttle’s lifting body shape.
But critics contends that the rocket's costs and slow pace of development mean it should go the way of the space shuttle. "Regarding space, the Artemis architecture is extremely inefficient ...
Scientists have made a chilling discovery in the depths of the Red Sea. Their find is so unique it could even help in space exploration, because it offers a rare glimpse into our undisturbed ...