In the rolling countryside of Northeast Ohio, where horse-drawn buggies clip-clop along winding roads and time seems to move at its own leisurely pace, sits a red brick building that houses treasures ...
The heat mapping of metros like Reno, Nevada, could be key to taming urban heat, saving lives and designing for a cooler ...
Ontario County is implementing new technology to cut down on road salt usage and protect water quality, thanks to a grant from the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). The funding will ...
A member of the Ohio Main Street Program since 2013, Marietta has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to downtown revitalization and community development, a press release announcing the ...
Many of the flyers also advertise a specific chapter of the hate group, the Trinity White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, with groups in Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky. The Vandalia police have been made ...
LAKEWOOD, Ohio (WJW) – Residents living along Bunts Road in Lakewood say they learned in May 2024 that the city is preparing to tear up the road in 2026 to replace old sewer lines, and update ...
Here's how it's looking through the Ohio Department ... a map that shows where wrecks and traffic backups are happening. The app also shows where traffic is backing up, be it from road ...
The city of Middletown is set to acknowledge the vice president-elect with seven street signs in the days or weeks following the inauguration on Jan. 20, city spokesperson Clayton Castle told The ...
The man accused of stabbing 16-year-old Gabriel Magalhaes to death in Keele subway station had been released by an Ontario court judge on a probation order for several offences, including sexually ...
Paper copies of the 2023 Toronto Cycling Maps are currently available at: Toronto Public Library branches Community and recreation centres City Hall 311 Information Desk (Ground Floor, 100 Queen ...