TAU Systems is developing laser-plasma accelerators to simulate cosmic rays and accelerate testing of electronics.
The Cedar Park company announced this week that it got an $8.2 million grant from the state to expand its spacecraft ...
After receiving approval from the Board of Regents last week, the Texas A&M University System will partner with a Houston-based Aerospace Company to bring Aggie research to a new frontier.
1 (tie), In Gee Chun, Danielle Kang, A Lim Kim, Julia Lopez Ramirez, Madelene Sagstrom and Fiona Xu, 1.00%. 7, Ariya Jutanugarn, .88%. 8, Paula Reto, .83%. 9, Nanna Koerstz Madsen, .80%. 10, Xiaowen ...
With funding from NASA, a Texas A&M University graduate student is working to better understand the environment of Mars ...