When I saw their fear, I rose and spoke to the nobles the officials and the rest of the people: ‘Do not be afraid of them; remember the Lord who ...
Singer Lee Greenwood is teaming up with the Oklahoma Department of Education in a bid to secure the funding necessary to ensure the placement of the God Bless the U S A Bible in classrooms across the ...
In the spring of 2009, as the global financial crisis continued to roil markets and businesses, the chief executive of a multinational consulting company called an all-hands teleconference.
Buddhists approach inconsistencies in sacred texts with discernment, contextual understanding and an emphasis on the ...
The importance of the Bible in RE was underlined at the fifth National Association of the Teachers of Catholic RE (ATCRE) ...
With the launch of this column last week, we officially set sail on a grand and farreaching journey that will eventually take us from the uttermost reaches of the cosmos to the depths of human ...
In the Northwestern corner of Namibia lies the village of Opuwo. Its name means “end of the road” in Dhimba, the language ...
Trey Jemison III opened up about why he frequently hosts Bible studies for his followers through Instagram Live. "There’s no ...
A cluster of new and forthcoming titles, including devotionals and other works by popular Christian pastors, theologians, and ...
The bill allowing Iowa schools to offer Bible scripture classes in grades 9-12 is headed to the Senate floor for debate.
King James’ legacy is preserved in a Bible that provided uniformity for the English Language. King James of England was ...
I continue to try to make sense of living as a Christian in a time when a distressing number of my coreligionists have thrown ...