LERONE MARTIN: He's known as the Happy Am I preacher, so he has this kind of charisma, smiling, very happy. My name is Dr. Lerone Martin, and I am the director of the Martin Luther King Jr. Research ...
A call for economic resistance rang out from Antioch Baptist Church, where faith leaders gathered to launch a 40-day boycott of Target.
The Christian left in the United States once wove solidarity into the fabric of social change, uniting diverse movements ...
If you mention the Thompson Warriors and Hoover Buccaneers in the same sentence to anyone in the city, chances are they’ll ...
Yolanda Pierce serves as dean of the Divinity Schoo at Vanderbilt University and is one of America’s vital theologians.
organized the "Target Fast" that began Wednesday — the first day of Lent — along with other faith and civil rights leaders. A ...
Former professional football player Tim Tebow and his wife Demi-Leigh are expecting a baby girl and they plan to include a ...
The Links, Incorporated is an international, not-for-profit corporation, established in 1946. Their membership consists of ...
As the Trump 2.0 administration continues to wreak havoc on the D.C. region and nation, faith leaders are among those ...
A fight is brewing in England over new sentencing guidelines that require judges to consider a criminal’s ethnicity and faith ...
The Abyssinian Baptist Church held a two-day event to highlight the legacy of the Divine Nine fraternities and sororities and ...