The Mad Max soundtrack heavyweight was still best known for his A Little Less Conversation remix when we spoke to him in 2008 ...
Drake Milligan plays in the Jade Room at The Snow Lodge at the St. Regis Hotel on Sunday as part of their Desert 5 Spot Pop ...
Elvis Presley didn't record two spectacular Middle-of-the-Road songs that went on to become chart-toppers. What tunes did he pass on?
Lisa Marie Presley, the sole daughter of the King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley, lived a life of love, loss and multiple ...
Marian J. Cocke, who served as Elvis Presley‘s in-home nurse for two years at the end of his life, has died. She was 98 years ...
When a kitschy bust of the King was swiped from the East Village restaurant where it had lived for thirty-seven years, the ...
Elvis Presley first headlined in Lubbock at the Fair Park Coliseum on January 6th, 1955. One man that was in attendance that ...
Britt Edwards stars as Young Janet in “Elvis Presley Was a Black Man Named Joe” at Black Ensemble Theater. Alan Davis Share Before he met Elvis Presley, Sun Records founder/producer Sam ...
"It's been my joy to promote Elvis and Memphis music across the globe for the past 50 years," Presley said Monday. "One piece of the Tennessee puzzle we need to put in place is the Smithsonian ...
Presley is the latest recipient of the Colonel Aide De Camp Award, the highest honor a civilian can receive in Tennessee. Fittingly enough, 64 years ago almost to the day, Elvis received the exact ...