“SPLIT FICTION has sold 2 MILLION copies in 1 WEEK!! Holy crap, we’re blown away here! Simply amazing…” Hazelight said in a ...
I reviewed Epson's premium printer for photographers, the 17-inch wide-format SureColor P900, testing its quality, speed, usability, and value.
The future of Campus Theatre in Lewisburg just got clearer. This week, Technical Director Andy Seal worked with Center Stage Cinema, of New York City, to replace its 14-year-old digital projector with ...
The Government of Canada’s policy priorities for arts and culture: Supporting cultural space, museums and creative ...
Ulster University has officially launched the CoSTAR Screen Lab, a £75.6m hub for research and development in virtual ...
Which special effects wizards changed the game for the Academy Awards? These are the seven best visual effect Oscar winners, ...
But just what turns an experience into – well, an ‘experience’? “My favourite definition comes from author Brian Solis, ‘An ...
Thank you for signing up! Did you know with a Digital Subscription to Edinburgh News, you can get unlimited access to the website including our premium content, as well as benefiting from fewer ...
Wolverhampton-based national sign maker Signs Now is celebrating after being crowned a winner at the Sign Industry Awards.
"Goonies" star Robert Davi and actor-musician Frank Stallone suggested a list of movies every college student should see, ...
From landmark indies to star-studded blockbusters, Steven Soderbergh has restlessly forged an eclectic body of work.
The studio will find use across several industries, from film and television to live concerts and video games.