The bizarre moment happened as Cllr Alan Gardiner spoke at a meeting and told a Liberal Democrat member to 'shut up'.
Hitler was furious when he learned that Strasser had met with Schleicher to explore potential cooperation. He accused ...
A man in Quebec is selling his two Teslas and canceled his order for a Cybertruck, reports Global News. The reason? He ...
The future leader of the Nazis, Adolf Hitler, as chair of what was then the modest, smaller-scale National Socialist German ...
Als 1945 die Amerikaner in Goebbels' Heimatstadt einmarschierten, hing auch an seinem Geburtshaus ein weißes Tuch. Und in ...
While his case was pending, Braun spent 11 months and eight days in custody, according to local media.
In return the Church would stay out of political matters and not criticise the Nazis. This allowed Hitler to ban the Catholic Zentrum party without opposition from the Catholic Church. Despite ...
Gehorsam und Intrigen, Brutalität und Gier, Hass und Ehrgeiz – Hitlers Helfer ringen permanent um Macht und Einfluss. Die "Komplizen des Bösen" prägen die Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus.
Hitler believed the Soviets to be his natural ideological enemy and intended to conquer the country, enslave or exterminate the ‘subhuman’ native Slavic people.