BRADFORD folk pride themselves on being hardworking, independent minded and plain speaking. They call a spade a spade - if not a shovel! You might say Amy Charlesworth’s art embodies these values and ...
The ghost of George Washington Carver hangs over the studio of Amanda Williams, where hues are inspired by the Alabama soil ...
High Culture and Art in Canada As a young, solidly middle-class nation with humble immigrant beginnings, the creation of ...
Scientists have studied trees depicted in various works of art and found they follow relatively simple mathematical rules also found in branching patterns in nature.
Baltimore City Public Schools seeks to name parts of a high school and the school district’s central art gallery after Black ...
The Arts League of Lowell (ALL) presents its spring show PANORAMA: Cityscape, Landscape, Seascape in the ALL Arts Gallery at ...
A collection of emotional nude paintings will be showcased during "Her" at Palette Artspace for a full month, from this ...
In Deborah Kass’s Art History Paintings, the politics of display are just the beginning.
The artist’s mid-career retrospective at the Barnes Foundation is a testament to her relentless confrontation of the history ...
Wilmington artist Hiroshi Sueyoshi, whose soulful sculptures and sublime ceramic pieces made him revered on the Port City's arts scene, has died.
Santa Ana is home to the most public art in the county, while Brea has the oldest Art in Public Places program, dating back ...
We asked 13 of the country’s top painters and sculptors to put their own spin on the famous statuette. Here’s what they came ...