At the March 11, 2025 City Council Meeting, over $1.8 million was approved for Community and Capital Grants. For 2025, community grants total $1,312,500 and capital grants total $489,630 plus $43,127 ...
Each year the City of St. John's Athlete of the Year committee recognizes athletic excellence within the city of St. John's by selecting one female, one male and one team as the most outstanding ...
The City of St. John's is offering free space on the Downtown Pedestrian Mall for organizations to engage with the community in creative ways. Interested organizations are encouraged to apply by ...
The City of St. John’s will be hosting a World Poetry Day Reading Event on Thursday, March 20, at 7 p.m. in the Foran Greene Room, Fourth Floor, City Hall. The event will be hosted by the City’s Poet ...
Winter is here and possible storms could leave you without power or water. Are you prepared for at least 72 hours? The Government of Canada recommends you have a basic emergency kit in your home with ...
With winter weather upon us, be sure to keep informed about when and where you can park. There are multiple winter parking restrictions in St. John’s. You can learn about them on our website, or sign ...
On Sunday, March 09, 2025, Standard Time returns to Daylight Savings Time at 2:00 a.m., so get ready to put your clocks ahead. The St. John’s Regional Fire Department wishes to remind everyone that as ...
The proposed application is for remediation of an abandoned quarry at 112 Camrose Drive. The remediation will involve filling, regrading and landscaping in the Watershed. The proposed remediation ...
The proposed application is a Home Occupation for a bakery. The floor area will be approximately 10m² and operate Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5 p.m. There will be no on-site retail, and all sales ...
It is with profound sadness that we acknowledge the passing of our dear colleague and friend, Councillor Debbie Hanlon. Debbie was a force of nature — her energy, passion, and larger-than-life spirit ...
The nomination period for the 2025 Applause Awards has been extended until March 10, 2025. Do you know someone who makes a difference in our city? Nominate someone deserving for an Applause Award ...
If you own a house or commercial property in a Heritage Area or if you own a designated Heritage Building, the City of St. John’s is now accepting applications for maintenance or conservation funding.