The EU Deforestation and Forest Degradation Regulation (EUDR) is due to come into force in 2026. The text intends to ban ...
One way of combating deforestation effectively is to define priority zones seen as being at particular risk. The difficult ...
For its 14th Annual Symposium, the UNESCO Chair in World Food Systems, co-headed by CIRAD and Institut Agro, has chosen to ...
The objective of the OBSYDYA project is to create a pilot observatory on agro-pastoral changes and their effects on the landscapes and environment of northern Benin. The indicators of change will be ...
Water is a crucial natural resource that is central to the functioning of natural and cultivated ecosystems and has prompted a range of installations, uses and organizational methods that vary from ...
UMR MOISA comprises around a hundred people working on the social sciences (economics, management/marketing, sociology, and political science). It aims to understand how the practices of stakeholders ...
Le Règlement européen contre la déforestation et la dégradation des forêts devrait entrer en vigueur en 2026. Ce texte vise à ...
Dans le cadre d’une collaboration exemplaire en matière de partage de données entre trois territoires d’outre-mer (Réunion, Guadeloupe et Martinique), un collectif scientifique du Cirad et de l’Anses ...
Pour son 14e colloque annuel, la Chaire Unesco "Alimentation du monde" co-dirigée par le Cirad et l'Institut Agro, a choisi de s’intéresser aux alimentations africaines.