Christians’ share among U.S. adults has fallen across demographic groups since 2007, but there has been overall stability in ...
Millions of Americans have switched religions over the course of their lives, and most say their religiousness or ...
Views on this differ by age, education and how frequently workers use AI chatbots. Workers ages 18 to 49 are more likely than ...
Identifying with a group for reasons “aside from religion” – such as ethnically, culturally, or because of family background ...
Read about U.S. religious groups’ demographics – such as race/ethnicity, age, immigrant status, gender and sexual orientation ...
Workers’ views on AI vary by age, education and income level. Even so, feelings of worry tend to cut across these groups.
Only 6% of workers say workplace AI use will lead to more job opportunities for them in the long run. About a third (32%) say ...
In total, at least 80 lawmakers are foreign born or have at least one parent who was born in another country, including 61 in ...
As a kid, most Americans say they were raised in a religion, went to religious services at least monthly, and had at least ...
Read key findings about trends in Americans' religious beliefs and practices in the 2023-24 Religious Landscape Study's ...
Highly religious Americans tend to be Republican, while less religious adults lean Democratic. But this varies somewhat by ...
Most who are married say their spouse shares their religion, while 26% don’t. Read about interreligious marriages, spouses ...