Selena Gomez and Benny Blanco announced that they'll drop collaborative album 'I Said I Love You First' as they shared single "Scared of Loving You." ...
Gina Haggard, right, says she felt vindicated after Michael Allan Carbo Jr. was found guilty again of killing her mother in 1986. (Mesabi Daily News/The Minnesota Star Tribune) Evenson said by ...
The Africa rockers’ lead guitarist Steve Lukather on surviving the 1980s, a ‘secret’ Spotify deal – and why their biggest hit makes no sense In 2017, after assuming co-management duties ...
Less than three weeks after they were first discovered and removed, another set of swastikas was found in the washroom of the Whitby Public Library main branch earlier this week. Whitby Public Library ...
It's 2024, and there's a sound revolution taking place you might not have seen coming: Vinyl records are back in a big way. Against all odds, this old-school format has soared in popularity ...