Lower Decks #5 on Wednesday, and you can take a look at the official preview of the issue below… Suspicious after the ...
Lower Decks #5, Mariner and her crew discover a time-traveling menace rewriting Federation history. Can our lower decks ...
Star Trek: Lower Decks' USS Cerritos is the quintessential TNG -era starship, and so is its bridge. A pretty straightforward ...
The starship Enterprise is the flagship of the Federation, and a bona-fide technological marvel--but a fatal flaw in its design has just been revealed ...
Disclaimer: No redshirts were harmed in the making of this review. Well, maybe a few, but that’s just Star Trek: Lower Decks ...
Star Trek is a franchise built on exploration and ... and when conspiracy theorists ranted about “butt bugs” in Lower Decks, because Lower Decks never forgets. 4. What happened to the ...
It's now entirely reasonable to like, say, "Star Trek: Picard" but not "Lower Decks". Completism is not — and should not be — essential. "Star Trek" is not alone in this over-reliance on its ...
Everything you need to know about the cast and characters of Severance Season 2, from their role in the series to previous ...
The new season is set to follow on from the second instalment, which saw the gang collide with the zany characters in Star Trek: Lower Decks and even attempt a musical episode, which caught more ...