The management district of the area, Downtown Houston+ says the future is brighter and the time to act is now, before ...
The final resting place for ancestors who called Houston home back in the 1800s had become a dumping ground. Now, the ...
From bakeries to barber schools, here's a list of 12 businesses around the Houston Metro to visit in support of Black History ...
The loss of our basketball hero will sting for a long time, but the shift in use of the former News building will have ...
The annual cycling event will continue this year after concerns over funding ahead of the 2024 event. It includes new routes ...
Changes will also be made to McCowan Street’s streetscape including four concrete seat walls with benches, shade trees and ...
Mike Holley, Montgomery County's first assistant district attorney, confirmed to The Chronicle that four individuals were ...
Seven new Sarasota restaurants opened last month, one closed for good, and a legendary local spot was ranked among Florida’s ...
The man responsible for Bryant Park’s transformation was Dan Biederman, a protege of the urban planner William “Holly” White ...
Houston Fire Department officials said one worker was injured in an incident at a historic building in downtown Houston.
Houston's brick roads tell an important history of this Texas city, including the history of Freedmen's Town in the Fourth Ward.