People who age like fine wine aren’t just lucky in the ... Henry Ford put it best: “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.
More than 310 million people in China are aged 60 and over China said Sunday it will accelerate the use of artificial intelligence and big data in elderly and social care as it bets on new ...
Women are always for others to find,” states the narrator, a policewoman called Vanitha. If they aren’t where they are ...
Evidence from epidemiologic studies indicates that the same factors that are associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) in middle-aged people are relevant in older adults (i.e ...
Jocelynn Firlotte-Lowe will be remembered as an adventurous, outgoing youngster who loved camping, hiking, writing poetry, and drawing. Her mom, Sarah Lowe, was asked to describe what she missed about ...
Pulkit Samrat marked International Women’s Day with a heartfelt poem, celebrating the strength, sacrifices, and power of women. Follow Us Trending Photos Bollywood actor Pulkit Samrat celebrated ...
'You know I'm Sussex now': Awkward moment Meghan addresses name ...