The 1933 coin fetched an eye-watering £13,334,400 ($18,872,250), earning it the title of the most expensive coin ever sold at auction according to Guinness World Records. But what makes it so unique?
You never know when you might come across a valuable error coin, so it helps to know what to look for. Error coins can be divided into the following general ...
If you have a coin collection, something might be hiding inside that's worth much more than its weight in gold. The post-pandemic era is shaping up to be a great time in the history of ...
Most of these are accounted for, but the good news is that some valuable coins are still out there if you are looking to get your hands on some precious metals. You could potentially find these in ...
This 1933 coin fetched an astonishing £13,334,400 ($18,872,250) at Sotheby's in New York, earning its title of the most expensive coin ever sold, according to the Guinness World Records. But what ...