Kirby is known for his work at Marvel, where he created or co-created many major characters including Captain America, the ...
Tom King is one of DC Comics‘ most controversial writers. King is a former CIA operative, which is a big reason why he’s so ...
World War V #7, where the son of Mister Miracle and Big Barda might save humanity... or is Granny Goodness pulling everyone's ...
Jack Kirby the legendary comic book artist is finally getting the documentary he deserves. Kirbyvision is a feature-length ...
Ricki Stern is making "Kirbyvision," a documentary exploring the life and legacy of Jack Kirby, who created Captain America.
Kirby is widely regarded as one of the comic book medium’s most innovative ... His creations as writer, artist, and editor include Darkseid, Mister Miracle, OMAC, The Demon, and many others ...
The 'Kirbyvision' doc will explore the legacy of Jack Kirby, the artist who co-created Captain America and shaped Marvel's ...