Waiting for Godot has nearly no action ... the tyrannical overlord, and Lucky, his equally brutal slave. Lucky is an artist: in the first act he performs a grotesque dance, and, when commanded ...
Arguably, the poster is miscast: Waiting for Godot is thought of as having two leads, Vladimir and Estragon, but at least in ...
Alvin Epstein, renowned for his work in avant-garde theater, notably played the role of Lucky in several productions of Samuel Beckett's "Waiting for Godot," including a memorable 1978 performance ...
Samuel Beckett's masterpiece, “Waiting for Godot,” opens Thursday, February 13, and runs through March 2 at the Cotuit Center for the Arts Black Box theater.
This is a Godot as spiritual allegory ... as an eerie shapeshifter by Jonathan Slinger and who whips his servant Lucky with ...
Lucky, pass through. As the hours turn into days, Didi and Gogo become less sure of where they are, why they are waiting, how much time has passed and whether or not Godot is actually coming for ...