Tokyo-based startup ArkEdge Space claims it has snapped what is “probably” the highest quality images of Earth taken by a ...
Japan also built the Kibo experiment module on the International Space Station and resupply missions have been lifted into space by its heavy launch rockets. Japan’s aerospace industry was ...
The science and technology ministry is drafting a policy in which the private sector will participate in the building and ...
Afterwards, the crew underwent training at JAXA’s Tsukuba Space Center in Japan, where they were trained on operations of the Japanese Experiment Module Kibo. The training included in-depth knowledge ...
Imagine being at a big marquee event in an arena, like the Super Bowl, with the roar of the crowd, the smell of hot dogs, and ...
The University of Melbourne A new translation of a 2018 book by French science historian Thibault Le Texier challenges the claims of one of psychology’s most famous experiments. Investigating ...
Similar groups of cells had previously been shown to prevent heart failure in preclinical experiments. This led many researchers to conclude that if they could find a way to make the cells survive ...