Girl Scouts of the U.S. say their cookies are safe to eat despite a report that found heavy metals in some cookies. What do experts say?
Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas are celebrating National Girl Scout Week while encouraging new members to join.
Its National Girl Scout Week, which coincides with Women's History Month. This week, the Girl Scouts of America celebrate 113 years of service. The organization was founded by Juliette Gordon Low in ...
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WCTV) - Girl Scouts of Florida gathered at the capitol Wednesday ahead of National Girl Scout Day. Girl Scouts also honored state leaders during a pinning ceremony to thank them for ...
Susan Collins (R-ME), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV)—co-chairs of the Girl Scouts’ Honorary Troop Capitol Hill—introduced a bipartisan resolution to recognize the 113th birthday ...
The event provided young women with the opportunity to learn about civic engagement, leadership, and the legislative process.
In his message for the International Day to Combat Islamophobia, Guterres warns that Muslims face institutional discrimination, barriers and violations of their human rights and dignity.