What is Texas like? It depends on who you ask. In all likelihood, you won't find many people raving about their beaches.
Black History Month, which began Feb. 1, is a great way of acknowledging and celebrating Black accomplishments and lives.
For that Great Blizzard of 1899, the coldest temperature officially recorded was 23 degrees BELOW zero in Tulia, Texas, south ...
Many take photos by it and it’s a fun entrance to Mardi Gras events on Galveston Island, but you do you know the history behind Galveston’s iconic Mardi ...
The timeline according to the City of Galveston for the traffic switch will now begin at 7 p.m. THIS EVENING Saturday, Feb. 15. The work is expected to be finished by 5 a.m. Monday, Feb. 17 so prepare ...
As a resident of the Bolivar Peninsula, Kurt Coburn relies on the Galveston-Bolivar ferry for regular transportation. So when ...
A study of more than 2,000 cruises by the industry site Cruise Fever ranked Galveston at No. 5 out of 17 in the nation's most ...
Twisters are a possibility from east Texas all the way to Tennessee and Georgia. However, the greatest tornado risk will ...
The idea that there "ain't no surf in Texas" persists. But as a new Galveston museum explores, adventurers have been catching waves here for at least a century.
Statewide hay supplies depend on conditions of winter forage crops and rainfall, according to Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service experts.
Galveston County is experiencing heavy traffic due to IH-45 road works, with the construction causing delays and requiring ...
This article invites you to explore Freedmen’s Town in Houston through a virtual adventure. It highlights the area’s rich ...