AHF is using an imposing image of a bottle of penicillin and a syringe and needle paired with the words “Syphilis is Curable” and the URL freeSTDcheck.org to draw attention to the importance of ...
At Ballotpedia, we believe that everyone deserves meaningful, reliable, trustworthy information about their candidates. We also know that good information—especially at the local level—is hard to find ...
An average of 1.9 mayoral races and 60.5 city council races went uncontested between 2014 and 2023. In terms of mayoral elections, 2023 saw the highest number of uncontested races (five) and 2017 and ...
Hialeah, one of the the cities with the largest proportions of Hispanic residents in the United States, could soon become one ...
As the Trump administration considers expanding travel bans, the City of Hialeah has become the second city in Miami-Dade County to<a class="excerpt-read-more" href=" More ...
The city of Hialeah has entered into an agreement with the Trump administration to help with immigration enforcement.
With the approval of Tuesday’s resolution, the mostly Hispanic city, where a majority of residents were born outside the U.S., is now among the first jurisdictions in South Florida to localize the ...
An estimated 62,000 vehicles a day whisk under the bridge that crosses U.S. 27 at Red Road, or Okeechobee Road and West Fourth Avenue.
Hialeah Police officers will gain the authority to stop, interrogate and arrest individuals suspected of violating immigration laws.
HIALEAH GARDENS, Fla. – A 37-year-old woman from Hialeah Gardens was arrested last week after she physically abused her daughter, authorities said. According to an arrest report, Hialeah Gardens ...
Baton Rouge's Mid City Gras parade now has a new date, while two New Roads parades on Fat Tuesday have shifted their roll times. Thank Mother Nature for the changes. Rain postponed Mid City's ...