Most Friday mornings, Hungary’s Prime Minister gives an interview on one of the public radio stations. Since the independent media has not had a chance to interview him for several years, these weekly ...
The billionaire recently revived a scandal on grooming gangs in the UK, using his social media X to amplify disinformation. He also hosted an online conversation with the far-right leader of Germany’s ...
"Antal Rogán's position in Hungarian politics and in the Hungarian government has been strengthened as never before. All I can gather from this is that he is doing his job well" – this is how Viktor ...
On Thursday morning, 29 schools in Budapest and one in HódmezÅ‘vásárhely received bomb threats. As the morning progressed, this number quickly grew and by 11:30 am, 268 elementary schools and high ...
According to data published by Eurostat on Wednesday, Hungary's public debt relative to its gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 0.2 percent in the third quarter of 2024 compared to the previous ...
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán addressed a conference evaluating the results of the Hungarian EU Presidency on Monday. Previously, the Prime Minister's Press Secretary had told Telex that this ...
"Let us clarify the facts: no Hungarian government official – or any foreign leader – received an "official" invitation to the inauguration of the next US President on 20 January," Zoltán Kovács, ...
„A köznevelési államtitkárság több olyan lehetÅ‘séget vizsgál, amelyek a tanulók számára egyértelművé teszi, hogy az országos ...
A lakosságszám növekedése csak új feladatokat róna az önkormányzatra, az önkormányzat azt se szeretné, ha megváltozna a ...
Amikor Eva Fuglei, a norvég sarkkutatási intézet munkatársa 2018 nyarán meglátta egy GPS-jeladó pozícióját, azt hitte, valami tévedésrÅ‘l van szó. A kollégáival elkezdte visszanyomozni, hogy merre és m ...
A Mása nevű lány hableánynak öltözve adott elÅ‘ egy kínai nemzeti park Å‘shonos állatokkal teli akváriumában, amikor az egyik hal rátámadt.