Many Latin American countries celebrate their freedom this month, commemorating their hard-fought battles for independence from ... Brazil during the Napoleonic Wars, the colony's status grew.
At least five of the six Latin American nations invited by President Roosevelt to join the war against the Axis (TIME, Feb. 12) headed toward the United Nations corral last week: Ecuador had ...
A Spanish colony since the 15 th century, following Christopher Columbus’s conquest of America ... reason for the failure of the First War of Independence: the lack of patriotic unity.
The war on drugs, as we know it, may be coming to an end. Historically, the US has cracked down on drugs in Latin America with a heavy hand. However, some argue that this strategy has only led to ...
The progress of the Mexican Civil War (TIME, Dec. 17 et seq.) during the past week favored the Rebels. ¶ The Rebel blockade of Tampico, after being protested by the U. S. State Department ...
I recall reporting about the absurdities of American aid efforts in Afghanistan ... The Christian Science Monitor's coverage of the war between Hamas and Israel, and related articles.
Latin America is serving as a proxy battleground for a new Cold War as China, Iran and Russia seek to build influence, exploit resources and undermine the United States in the region. The tour ...